The Directors Roundtable Invites You to Attend a Program
For Boards of Directors and Their Advisors
Thursday, August 17, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. (5:00 Registration)
Newkirk Alumni Center, UC Irvine, 450 Alumni Ct., Irvine 92697
Conference Room AB (map to be provided)
There is no fee to attend and a light dinner will be served.
Two hours of California MCLE credits will be provided.
General Counsel are more important than ever in history. Boards of Directors look increasingly to them to enhance financial and business strategy, compliance, and integrity of corporate operations. In recognition of the achievements of our distinguished Guest of Honor and his colleagues, we are presenting Michael Ray and the Legal Department of Western Digital with the leading global honor for General Counsel and Law Departments. Western Digital is a leading global provider of digital storage solutions. His address will focus on key issues facing the General Counsel of an international technology corporation. The panelists’ additional topics include M&A; antitrust; and governance. The transcript of this event will be made available worldwide in electronic copy.
Directors Roundtable is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. This activity has been approved for 2.0 hours of general MCLE credit.