Recent Events

The Directors Roundtable, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, and
The Hay Group Invite You to Attend a Program
For Boards of Directors and Their Advisors


Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 8:30 – 10:30 A.M. (8:00 Registration)
Offices of Morgan Lewis, 1701 Market Street, Philadelphia

There is no fee to attend and continental breakfast will be served.
Two hours of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York CLE are pending.


In today’s ever-changing executive compensation landscape the unwary can find themselves in unexpected and expensive pitfalls. To attract and maintain top talent while minimizing litigation risk, companies need to stay up to date on the compensation market, informed about governing rules and standards, and knowledgeable about best practices.

Calling on their broad experience with boards, compensation committees, and management teams, our distinguished speakers will present on the following topics:

  • Current Market for Executives, Directors, and their Compensation: includes review of The Wall Street Journal/Hay Group CEO Compensation Study
  • Managing Litigation Risk: Claims of excessive or inappropriate executive and director compensation
  • Review of 2015 Proxy Season and Executive Compensation Challenges: Approval of equity plans; ISS methodologies; clawbacks; and recent SEC proposals and final rules
  • Best Practices: Executive compensation governance; academic research on marrying pay for performance with corporate goals